Time and Place for tantric massage
If you want to come and experience a tantric massage, you will need to make an appointment.
You can call us a couple of days in advance or decide spontaneously to make a reservation.
The precise address in Hamburg-Uhlenhorst will be given to you, when you contact us by phone.
We appreciate you not just coming by to see whether we have time to massage you, because we like to give each person our undivided, undisturbed attention and privacy.
Thank you for that.
You can reach us daily from 9am till 9pm under the following phone number 040 - 444 508. Also on weekends and holidays.
We are located in Hamburg-Uhlenhorst, at approximately 10 minutes distance from the city center (central trainstation) by taxi or Bus Nr. 6, direction U-Bahn Borgweg (Busstop Hofweg/Mühlenkamp). Allow 15 minutes by taxi for a trip to the airport, depending on traffic.